Agricultural Research

HHATW in association with the locals of Bungoma and Homa Bay has launched our AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE with the aim of promoting sustainable production in farming while building resilience to climate risks and addressing the barrier to youth and women’s inclusion in the farming sector in Kuywa and the surrounding.


HHATW in Kenya has launched the Kuywa Community Chicken Farmers Association, and is giving away grants to 100 children in the Kuywa community towards their education. HHATW in Kenya is partnering with the parents in securing their child tuition through university. We are giving away 5 chickens to each family. Every month when those chickens produce eggs we will be buying those eggs from the family and putting that money for the child into a secured savings account to go towards his or her tuition. We will be meeting with the principal of the relevant schools and give them the list of children that we are co-sponsoring. We will be working alongside the parents to ensure that the animals are properly treated and cared for. And we will encourage each family to increase the amount of birds. My aim is that each family should have at least 20 birds at the end of the first 3 months. We will also ensure that each family will have a vegetable garden utilizing the manure from the birds.

Children and Youth

Our young people, children and community must be trained properly. The bible says that we must train up a child. We must train our children to value themselves, to be purposeful in becoming first citizens of heaven and leaders and entrepreneurs. Teach them to have civic pride, to be responsible and to accept responsibility for their actions. We will not allow our society or anyone to devalue anyone


We need to look at the Schooling of our young people, our children and our community.We will School our children in knowing who they are and what is expected of them. We will seek and have leaders who will not brainwash our children but will train them.


We are Committed to caring for the elderly in the society, allowing them to enjoy their golden years in peace and tranquility. Too often our seniors are left abandon rejected and neglected. Abuse by even their children and families. We will provide a home environment for the elderly and outcasts of our community..


People living with disabilities. Being disabled does not mean that you are not able. Special attention and care will be geared toward the disabled among us. We Care. Acknowledging the supremacy of the Almighty God of creation; and restored civic responsibility and pride.